Future Projects

We will soon start recording “Songspell 2”,our second album and will feature Simon,Joanne,Andrew and Howard and invited friends, we will keep you posted on our facebook page: fb songspell :as we go along.This is always an intersting process and often we dont know the final outcome until it happens as we are open to to what arrives out of the blue as we go along.


A queue of stars

Howard has written a book of contemporary poetry called "Reflections in the Empty Mirror" and is at this time being proof read and edited prior to publication and then will also be available to buy on line here, through paypal. I have included one of the poems here for you to read. I had some of my childhood in Whitby.

A child like day in Whitby

I remember this so well
Some memories just burn their way in
along with that cruel salty north sea howling din
That bitter easterly Whitby wind moving and exposing
Finding every way in beneath this child's useless clothing
Revealing the natural emptiness of a child like mind.

I remember this so well
Surrounded by coldness in that atmosphere
That playground place where unformed dreams just disappear
Just this bleak half silent follower
My secret travels into half memories and half forgotten scenes,
Of another life,another world and other dreams.

I remember this so well
The wind voice pounding like an ear drum band
Instant access to the unnamed sky, sea and unforgiving land.
Unresolved human monkey puzzle trees
rooted in a rock hard landscape that spreads before
everything you throw at it,then spring,the open door.